5 Dental DIY Trends You Need To Unfollow

DIY is often thought of as a way to cut corners. But, it becomes a scary proposition when it comes to Dentistry. The professional supervision & controlled environment of a dental office can never be the same as a kitchen sink. No matter how easy it is to rely on ‘Doctor Google’, one should never attempt DIY’s that pose health risks. Here are a few DIY Dental dont’s you must never attempt.

Dentist Calgary

DIY Tooth Filing

DIY Tooth Filing Tooth filing using nail files, sandpaper, handheld power tools, etc is an alarmingly unsafe idea that’s been trending on social media platforms like Tik Tok and YouTube. Such practice causes irreparable damage and destruction to teeth. Dentists use proven tooth filing techniques that have been researched for years, if not decades. A DIY enthusiast attempting to file their tooth themselves could potentially remove vital enamel coating, causing the tooth to become hypersensitive, misshaped or even die.

DIY Tooth Whitening

The internet is full of ‘crazy hacks’, one of them being ‘ways to whiten teeth using household ingredients’. Citrus rinds, baking soda, activated charcoal, are unfortunately the popular choices of the internet. However, resorting to quick fixes with these ingredients can cause long term damage to your teeth. These ingredients are harsh on the tooth surface causing dental cavities, sensitivity and gum problems in few cases.

DIY aligners

Aligning teeth is something one should leave to the professionals. Dentists carefully assess a patient’s full medical & dental history, then design custom-fit aligners that work wonders without restricting the structures around the tooth. Remote alignment services or DIY Aligners lack one-on-one professional care. These unsupervised dental solutions come at low-cost but prove to be a costly mistake in the long run. Many Orthodontists have witnessed patients who have developed gum diseases, cavities and tooth loss due to direct-to-customer orthodontics.

DIY Restorations

Believe it or not, some people use materials like wax and store-bought adhesives to ‘fix’ their restorations. Glues have toxic compounds which can cause serious damage to the tooth and surround tissue. One must never try to poke, prod, and scrape cavities or restorations in an attempt to ‘fix’ them. Such attempts permanently damage the restoration or introduce infections or cause an abscess. DIY methods often bury the underlying cause and extend the amount of professional care needed which proves to be a costly affair in the long term.

DIY Extractions

Toothache isn’t easy to handle, but DIY tooth extraction sounds like something nightmares are made of. Tooth extraction is a form of surgery, and surgery comes with the risk of complications. Only a certified dental surgeon must assess the underlying cause of toothache & attempt a tooth extraction. Few popular culture DIY extractions methods are, using pliers, using a string tied to a door, etc. Described as creative on the web, these methods are rather medieval which cause infection, excessive bleeding, gum damage, serious damage to other teeth and underlying bone. 
However easy or cost-effective DIY dental hacks might seem, it’s wise to consult with a certified dentist for all your tooth qualms. It’s understandable to look for shortcuts in life, but your shiny pearls are simply too important to risk. Got a dental worry to share? Write to us or book a consultation visit here.

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